
We are proud to have recently had our good friend and 2023 EuroCup champion, Nils Guhl featured on regional German television with this lovely clip sharing his journey, showing off his flying skills and equipment (including Djinns) – we are honored by his support!

Click the CC icon in the lower right of the video frame for subtitles in other languages!

14-Jähriger ist Europameister im Lenkdrachenfliegen

Mit 14 Jahren ist Nils Guhl schon Europameister im Lenkdrachenfliegen, genauer in der Vierleiner-Soloklasse. Das Hobby hat er von seinem Vater. Mit ihm will er auch bei der nächsten EM zusammen im Tandem-Wettbewerb teilnehmen.

At the age of 14, Nils Guhl is already the European champion in stunt kite flying, more precisely in the four-line solo class. He got the hobby from his father. He also wants to take part in the tandem competition with him at the next European Championships.

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