
While we are a small home-based business offering boutique products and very rarely offer discounts or coupons for our shop, we ALWAYS make a 10% kite discount for customers who order a full suite of Djinn.

What is a suite?

A suite is any combination of 5 or 6 of the models below in stock and/or custom colors:

  • Djinn UL
  • Djinn ST
  • Djinn MV
  • Djinn VT
  • Djinn XT
  • Djinn HV

Cost benefit!

As of August 2023, full 6-kite suite example costs:

  • Stock colors – $2350 minus 10% = $2115 ($235 savings)
  • Custom colors – $2650 minus 10% = $2385 ($265 savings)

How do I claim the discount?

With 5 or 6 Djinn kites in your cart, enter code SUITEDEAL during checkout.

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